Wimbledon International Short Film Festival

2017 Best London Filmmaker Sponsor

06.10.17 | WISFF 2017

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Wimbledon International Short Film Festival is excited to annouce that Curzon Cinemas are sponsoring our Best London Filmmaker award.

Curzon is known as a place to discover other worlds and cultures, or see a different perspective which makes it the perfect partner for our festival. The Curzon group received the prestigious award for Outstanding British Contribution to Cinema at the British Academy Film Awards earlier this year.

The winning filmmaker will received Cult membership to Curzon cinemas giving them free access to 12 months of movies across the Curzon cinema group plus discounts on special events, food and drinks worth £350!

Thank you Curzon!


The below films have been nominated in our Best London Filmmaker category.

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BLOOD SHED, directed by James Moran

Seeing Him

SEEING HIM, directed by Chris Jones


AUTOMA, directed by Giacomo Mantovani

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PERCHED, directed by Liam Harris

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A LITTLE GREY, directed by Simon Hewitt


THE FULL STORY, directed by Daisy Jacobs

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IN A MILE, directed by Nick Carter

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