Wimbledon International Short Film Festival


Best Film

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Sponsored by Wimbledon Film Club


Writer / Director: Afarin Eghbal
Country: UK


Best Film

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Sponsored by Wimbledon Film Club


Writer / Director: Afarin Eghbal
Country: UK


An inspiring and deeply imaginative way of telling a disturbing and powerful real-life story. Brilliant use of so many visual elements, verbatim voice over and photography. This film made me cry. 

An inspiring and deeply imaginative way of telling a disturbing and powerful real-life story. Brilliant use of so many visual elements, verbatim voice over and photography. This film made me cry. 

Best Student Film

Mile 27

Merilay Fernandez
Country: USA

Best Student Film

Mile 27

Merilay Fernandez
Country: USA

Beautifully shot and direction shows poise and control. Excellent performances from the children, and sustained tension throughout. Highly impressive work.

Beautifully shot and direction shows poise and control. Excellent performances from the children, and sustained tension throughout. Highly impressive work.

Best Experimental Film

Sponsored by Marcus Beale Architects 

Places Other People Have Lived

Director/Animator: Laura Yilmaz
Country: USA

Best Experimental Film

Sponsored by Marcus Beale Architects 

Places Other People Have Lived

Director/Animator: Laura Yilmaz
Country: USA

Technically stunning but also poetic and evocative. A wonderful thought-provoking piece about memory and experience, deeply personal yet universal in its reach. A wonderful piece of work.

Technically stunning but also poetic and evocative. A wonderful thought-provoking piece about memory and experience, deeply personal yet universal in its reach. A wonderful piece of work.

Best Animated Film

Crow Feathers

Director/Animator: Peter Bunzl
Country: UK

Best Animated Film

Crow Feathers

Director/Animator: Peter Bunzl
Country: UK

Highly original accomplished work showing enormous directorial flair.

Highly original accomplished work showing enormous directorial flair.